Spring Bootcamp 2023. 1st Semster Complete!

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Spring Bootcamp First Semester The first semester of our training kicked off on a warm January morning with a palpable air of excitement from the 10 students that were starting the 12 week course. This was also our most diverse group so far with an amazing 50% of the course being female. The semester was characterized by mainly ups and few downs which made it altogether successful. For the ups we experienced great dedication and commitment by the students as regards the training. Read more →

2022 Year In Review

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2022 is over. Another year, another infographic! Our solar powered computers is the achievement we are most proud of this year. It solves a critical issue we have around courses being interrupted due to lack of power and it is great for the environment! Thank you all for your support and donations. We couldn’t do this without you! Read more →

Trustees Visit Nigeria

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Our trustees performed our first (self-funded) monitoring trip to Nigeria and had the pleasure of meeting Daniel the teacher from Otukpo Tech Academy in Abuja. We reflected on the past year and made plans for 2023. Unfortunately we were unable to visit Otukpo and see the school due to security advice from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. We had a great time in Nigeria, and an amazingly warm welcome. Read more →


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Graduation Ceremony 8TH SEPTEMBER, 2022 Following the completion of an intense 14-week course, in which the students learnt the basics of C#, advanced topics such as databases (Entity framework & SQL) and webservers (.net web api) the students finally graduated in a ceremony held on 8th September 2022. The students were able to complete the course thanks to the outstanding teaching provided by Daniel, a teacher employed through our Nigerian entity (The Otukpo Tech Academy). Read more →

We’re going green! Support us by donating

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Green Tech We’re going green! We’re planning to start using renewable energy to power our computers. We’ll be taking advantage of the high levels of sunlight in Nigeria (Average mean temperature of 27.4°C in Otukpo where the school is based) and deploying solar powered computers that our students can code on. You can support us by donating towards our solar powered computer kits here. Our solar powered computer kits consists of: Read more →

April-May 2022 Week Long Courses

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Students learning web development skills We’ve recently completed another set of weeklong courses. We ran 3 free week long courses on how to program in html, css and javascript over April and May 2022. Unfortunately, we didn’t have as much uptake on these courses as we were hoping due to them being held during term time but we still had a good turnout with 20 students participating across the 3 courses. Read more →